Amateur Radio Station WD5B

Welcome to WD5B.  Here is my station in California.  I am just starting to build this site, so watch and see how it goes.

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Station equipment from left to right is restored Collins S-3 line with 75S-3, 32S-3, 30L1 and 312B4.  Speaker not shown.  Yaesu Ft-847 for VHF/UHF, Alpha 76a amplifier, J. W. Miller tuner, Mac, laptop, remote computer display, Johnson matchbox and Icom IC-756 Pro III.  Antennas are dipole with matchbox, Cushcraft R-8 vertical, VHF and UHF antennas.

Not shown are the following in storage or used elsewhere:

Icom IC-706MkIIg (HF/VHF/UHF radio in Arkansas)
National NC-105 Receiver (SWL receiver used in late 60’s)
Heath HW-16 (first transceiver as a novice)
Drake TR-4 (first good SSB transceiver)
Kenwood TS-430S (used in Little Rock / Conway )
Kenwood TS-450S (at son’s house. First digital controlled radio)

Dentrol MLA-1200 amplifier (bad tube. Used during packet gateway)
Homebrew pair of 4-400’s. Bertha

Antique VHF:
Regency HR-2A (first commercial 2 meter FM radio)
Clegg FM-27A (first synthesized amateur VHF radio)

National FM Broadcast receiver. Rack mounted.

(3) FT-8800 (mobile and links)
FT-1802 (mobile)

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